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New TravelMaster Fares from 7 January 2024

From the 7th January 2024, we are changing the prices of our bus, tram, and train tickets in Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Doncaster, and South Yorkshire.

Over the last few years, TravelMaster and its operators have worked hard to absorb the increasing cost pressures on their businesses whilst focussing on improving services for customers during staff shortage and other challenges. However, the January 2024 changes are now necessary to reflect the increase in costs that all operators continue to experience across the region.

TravelMaster does not directly benefit from the £2 fare cap on buses and £2.80 fare cap on trams. It is not in receipt of any subsidy like other areas where prices are being discounted using central government Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding.

John Henshall, General Manager of TravelMaster, said:

“TravelMaster tickets cover the bus, train and tram so any decision on fares is carefully considered across all modes of transport. This is not a decision which has been taken lightly by the TravelMaster Board. Fares have continued to be supressed for as long as possible in a backdrop of previously deferred increases across our ticket range which is unavoidable without subsidy and the latest rise reflects a balancing of continued rises in costs.

We understand that any fares increase at any time, especially during a ‘cost-of-living crisis’ will be unpopular. Whilst other areas of the country continue to use central government funding to support fares initiatives, this is not available for TravelMaster fares. Although bus passengers do continue to benefit from the national £2 single fare cap scheme and will do until the end of 2024, with single tram fares capped at £2.80 by SYMCA. We support the Mayor in his campaign lobbying the Department for Transport on the settlement which South Yorkshire receives for transport. However, with the low settlement for the region not providing allowance for subsidy alongside the rising costs, the TravelMaster Board decided it would be necessary to apply a price increase which also covers previously absorbed costs.

Irrespective of the rise, TravelMaster tickets continue to represent great value for money, for 7 day or longer tickets, with unlimited travel available across multiple operators, buses, trains and trams within the region. Advance purchase CityBus 7 Day tickets still offer better value than equivalent tickets in Leeds and Manchester who are in receipt of BSIP funding, there is negligible difference on CityWide 7 Day equivalents and SYConnect+ also offer better value to equivalents. Whilst the headline 1 Day ticket prices may not be as attractive, regular travellers continue to benefit from TravelMaster tickets.

Over the last year we have invested in a new retail app which allows customers to buy and load tickets to their smartcard, improving the buying process. We continue to assess new ways of delivering tickets and work with all operators in South Yorkshire to deliver secure and reliable ticketing solutions.”

Our tickets will continue to cost less when bought in advance via our TravelMaster App, website, Payzone Shops, and ticket machines located at the interchanges.

Prices from 7th January 2024


Advanced Price

On-Board Price

​CityBus 1 Day



CityBus Flexi5



CityBus 7 Day



CityBus 28 Day



CityBus Annual



CityWide 1 Day



CityWide Flexi5



CityWide 7 Day



CityWide 28 Day



CityWide Annual



BConnect / DonConnect / RConnect 1 Day



BConnect / DonConnect / RConnect Flexi5



BConnect / DonConnect / RConnect 7 Day



BConnect / DonConnect / RConnect 28 Day



BConnect / DonConnect / RConnect Annual



SYConnect 1 Day



SYConnect Flexi5



SYConnect 7 Day



SYConnect 28 Day



SYConnect Annual



SYConnect+ 1 Day



SYConnect+ 7 Day



SYConnect+ 28 Day



SYConnect+ Annual



GetAbout 1 Day



GetAbout 7 Day



GetAbout 28 Day



GetAbout+ 1 Day



GetAbout+ 7 Day



GetAbout+ 28 Day



18-22 year olds continue to have a 15% discount on products with an 18-22 Discount card and Zoom Beyond 18-21 Travel Pass.


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TravelMaster, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield, S1 2BQ
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